

Nice to meet you, Thank you for finding your way to Liam Fry Photography.

I am a 30 year old photographer, living in Cwmbran (South Wales). I have always had a  huge passion in Photography and Videography. Any time you see me, I will always have a camera of some sort with me.

At home Im joined by my wonderful partner – Lauren, and our 2 boys – Josh and Lucas, Oh and our Labrador Eevee. All of whom love being in front of the camera (Especially Eevee!!!)

Although I do many types of shoots, Wedding photography will always be my favourite type of event to shoot (Theres just something so magical about sharing your client’s special day with them, and being able to create memories that they will remember forever, using just your camera).

Recently I have photographed numerous events in Wales and the South of England (although I am willing to travel as far as needed for your photography needs). Recent shoots have included Colour Clash (Newport), Cardiff City FC vs Aston Villa and more family walks than you can count on both hands!

What ever you need a Photographer for, no matter how big or small, or how near or far, Id love to discuss your needs with you. Please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Hope to speak to you soon 🙂


Email – LiamFryPhotography@gmail.com